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Thursday, 20 March 2014 from 16:00 to 17:30 (GMT)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Etienne Ghys is a distinguished French mathematician who is also interested in the popularization of mathematics, especially chaos theory. The programme will have two parts: a somewhat technical lecture, assuming that the audience knows what differential equations are, and a showing of a film on chaos theory produced by Ghys, which will be accessible to the layman.
4:00-5.30pm : A brief cinematic history of dynamics for the layman
In 2013 Jos Leys, Aurélien Alvarez and Etienne Ghys produced a film on chaos theory, for the layman. Basically, this film tells the story of dynamics from Newton to current research, explained in an elementary way. The total length of the film is about two hours, so that it wouldn’t be reasonable to show it from A to Z. Instead, Etienne Ghys will show some extracts, to explain the 'making of', and discuss it with the audience.
The more technical lecture (part 1) being held between 1-3pm, can also be booked via eventbrite http://chaoticpart1.eventbrite.co.uk.
Do you have questions about A CHAOTIC AFTERNOON WITH ETIENNE GHYS part 2?
Contact International Centre for Mathematical Sciences
When & Where
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS)
15 S College St
EH8 9AA Edinburgh
United Kingdom
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